Members Network OICE
Since 2014 OICE has supported more than 388 users from 115 different groups from FAU, UKER, MPI for the Science of Light, Fraunhofer IIS and 6 external groups.
Out of these groups 31 PIs are actively driving OICE as members.
- Chair of Physiolgy and Pathophysiology, Prof. Christian Alzheimer
- Chair of Animal Physiology, Prof. Johann Helmut Brandstätter
- Chair of Microbiology and Infection Immunology, Prof. Christian Bogdan
- Dean Faculty of Natural Science, Prof. J. Schatz
- Nephro-Pathology Department, Prof. Felix Engel
- Chair of Physical-Medical Technology, Prof. Ben Fabry
- Chair of Physical Chemistry, Prof. Rainer Fink
- Biointerfacs Lab, Prof. Danijela Gregurec
- Ophtalmology Clinic, PD Dr. Andreas Gießl
- Chair of Developmental Biology, Prof. Wiebke Herzog
- Chair of Medical Biotechnology, Prof. Oliver Friedrich
- MPL, Prof. Jochen Guck
- Chair of Pattern Recognition Lab, Prof. Joachim Hornegger
- Chair of Cell-Biology, Prof. Benedikt Kost
- Chair of Sensor Technology, Prof. Reinhard Lerch
- Institute for Optics, Information and Photonics, Prof. Norbert Lindlein
- Institute of Virology, Prof. Manfred Marschall
- MPL, Dr. Leonhard Möckl
- Medical Clinic 1, Prof. Markus Neurath
- Chair of Genetics, Prof. Falk Nimmerjahn
- MPL, Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar
- Medical Clinic 3, Prof. Georg Schett
- Institute of Photonic Technologies, Prof. Michael Schmidt
- Dept. Experimental Tumorpathology, Prof. Regine Schneider-Stock
- PULS Group, Prof. Ana-Suncana Smith
- Chair of Biochemistry, Prof. Uwe Sonnewald
- Division of Molecular and Experimental Surgery, Prof. Michael Stürzl
- Ophtalmic Clinic, Dr. Ralf Tornow
- Internal Medicine 3, Dr. Stefan Uderhardt
- Molecular-Neurology Dept. Prof. Jürgen Winkler
- Biomimetic Materials and Processes, Jun. Prof. Stephan E. Wolf
- Department of Computer Science PD Dr. Thomas Wittenberg
- Quantum Optics & Quantum Information, Prof. Joachim von Zanthier
At OICE, we believe in the power of collaboration. We are proud to be associated with several prestigious institutes and networks, working together to advance research, innovation, and leadership. Our valued partners include:
School of Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT):
- Engaging in an interdisciplinary research and education program within a global network of esteemed experts, fostering innovation and leadership.
Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Films (IZNF):
- Active collaboration in the field of nanostructured films.
Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light:
- Partnering with MPI for research in the science of light.
Collaborative Research Center 1181 – Checkpoints of Resolution in Inflammation:
- Collaborative efforts in exploring resolution processes in inflammation.
Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials (EAM):
- Joint initiatives in engineering advanced materials.
Fraunhofer Institute IIS (Image Processing and Medical Technology):
- Collaborative projects focused on image processing and medical technology.
Collaborative Research Centre 796 (Ceased):
- Past engagement in understanding host-pathogen interactions, with a focus on microbial effectors and their host targets in plant and mammalian systems.
Our External Memberships
OICE is proud to be a part of various esteemed organizations and networks that are at the forefront of scientific research and imaging. Our external memberships include:
- German Bioimaging Project:
- OICE is an active stakeholder in the German Bioimaging Project. We are committed to contributing to the advancement of imaging and microscopy in the German scientific community.
- Euro BioImaging – Associate Partner:
- OICE has joined Euro BioImaging as an Associate Partner. This collaboration allows us to be part of a broader European network dedicated to promoting cutting-edge imaging technologies.
- Royal Microscopical Society:
- OICE is a member of the Royal Microscopical Society, where you can find information about events, meetings, and conferences related to various microscopy techniques. This membership keeps us connected to the latest developments in the microscopy field.
- The Royal Society of medicine:
- OICE is affiliated with The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM), a registered charity and membership organization. RSM’s vision is better healthcare for better lives. By sharing learning and supporting innovation, their goal is to be the leading provider of continuing learning to healthcare professionals.

I will use integrative tissue-level bio-imaging to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms tissues employ to protect themselves against unwanted immune responses. Specifically, I will focus on the biology and the homeostatic functions of interstitial macrophages in vivo and explore how these cells operate during the onset of inflammation. Ultimate goal of my research is to therapeutically exploit the tissue-protective properties of these cells in order not only to treat but also prevent inflammatory diseases. As part of the OICE-ERU I will establish and further advance intravital as well as in situ functional imaging approaches as tools for the Exploration of spatiotemporal dynamics of immune effector cells within the context of biological tissues.